Kapitäntrousermaus saugt die Pferd poots.

Zee text above is a HEADING Size 1, or "H1" tag, and is left aligned by default. An edifying display of zee full range of headings follows:

Heading 1 is 24 Point type. Headings can be centered like ziss one is by using "CENTER" tags.

ZISS line of text is NOT a heading. It simply illustrates zee point that, since it is outside of my comment brackets, it will be seen when a browser displays ziss page. NOW, WE RESUME OUR USE OF BOLD FACE AND OUR DISCUSSION OF HEADINGS. Whereas zee largest heading is a full 24 point size, there ARE smaller ones:

Heading 2 - 18 Point

Heading 3 - 14 Point

Heading 4 - 12 Point

Heading 5 - 10 Point
Heading 6 - 7 Point
Normal body text is 12 Point by default. Zee "B" tag converts text to Bold Face and 12 pt. bold is my text preference for ziss web site, so I won't use its companion "/B" tag until I decide to quit BOLDING text.

NOTE: I have set ziss word grouping off in a separate paragraph by cleverly deploying zee "P" tag before it. Though it has a closing "/P" tag that can be used in terminating its action, it's obviously redundant and is, therefore, not employed here. Zee PARAGRAPH tag automatically inserts a carriage return AND A LINE SPACE before zee text that follows it. Nice, huh? (NOTE THAT HEADING tags DO ZISS ALSO; but, they do it both before AND AFTER their enclosed text, as can be seen above.)

pLeAsE nOtE! Ziss site is continually awash in creativity, thus CONSTANTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I apologize for any inconvenience ziss may cause. It's a curse I bear.

I note, here, a peculiar point of interest... I have been given to understand that 'browsers ignore any spaces or new lines around tags. Guess what? NOT! IE4 seems to recognize at least 1 such space, though not more. Well, back to zee use of BOLD body text. Carriage returns in coding do not evoke a corresponding carriage return on-screen. Zee browser's word wrap serves ziss purpose, but WE can override ziss and break text at any point where we insert a "BR" tag (for BREAK.) Ziss tag, as with zee Paragraph tag, doesn't demand a closing tag. For example...
Email me at:

Zee ADDRESS tags I also included can be a nice time saver. They simultaneously force zee contents between them onto a new line, force them to be shown in italics, override zee use of "DIR" tags to indent zee contents, and force any trailing text onto yet another line. They can, however, be a bit limited and cumbersome in zee MIDDLE OF A PARAGRAPH, as can readily be observed in my example.

Here I include a note that, on occasion, zee Englisch spelling izn't so gut. Sadly, I was tutored by an unwashed emigrant during my formative years. Ziss is his sad picture.

Ziss horizontal line above can be made T-H-I-C-K-E-R if we wish and we can specify its unique color. Observe below:
Here ist another line. Ziss one ist going to be sixty percent as wide as zee web visitor's screen size and we are going to CENTER it, using a value for ziss argument, too. Below ist our finished produkt:

Note how zee color will change (from red) to DARK red, MAROON, BLUE, NAVY BLUE, LIME GREEN, GREEN, CYAN, TEAL, YELLOW, GOLD, BROWN, FUCHSIA, PURPLE, SILVER, GRAY, ORANGE, etc. just by specifying zee color names. Ziss naming convention works, IT IS SAID, only with zee colors in zee standard DOS/Windows palette (NOT to be confused with zee pallette on your suit of armor.) HOWEVER, I have discovered several others: zee DARK RED, zee BROWN, und zee ORANGE which I have included. Experiment!

We do not need to demonstrate WHITE or BLACK. (Also, there ist another specifier called NOSHADE. It has no additional qualifying or defining value. You just type NOSHADE as one of zee arguments for zee "HR" tag. It's pretty wimpy and just gives you a dark line color.) For greater variety, specify hexidecimal values for zee colors. You can get zeese from color charts or lists available on zee web and inside of books about HTML, Java, Windows, etc.
ZISS ist zee sun. WE-E-E-E-E!!

Now for zee inclusion of a stimulating little background ditty.
You are listening to jets020.wav! See zee sun dancing to zee musik!!