Blitzenspeicher's Carousel of Incontrovertible Cogency

September 1987 February 1987
December 1987 March 1988
June 1988 July 1988
August 1988 September 1988

Blitzenspeicher material, and other original artwork and text, on this site are, unless otherwise indicated or attributed, copyrighted by the author. Many hours went into the creation of this site so please respect the copyright on this material by not copying or otherwise attempting to use any of it without asking permission.  March 26, 1999.

Magazine Covers and Profiles content reproduced on this page posted purely to accommodate historical interest and thoughtful reflection.  All rights reserved to the original copyright holder(s).  Said information is on temporary display and is not to be copied from this site and distributed.  Valid concerns about the display of this material from legitimate copyright holder(s) will be addressed and may be sent to THIS EMAIL ADDRESS.

Buttons to Zee Parallel Universe

 This page patiently created in AOLpress by Caped Vixen.  Last update Ocotber 17, 1999.